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Evidence Value

One of the main challenges for the country is the development of good public policy, which should be inclusive and professionalized.
To make this possible is a priority to focus on the search for evidence and empirical data to assist in the construction of ideological of rational legislative processes and not an ideological issue.
Based on this premise, Politopedia welcomes all those bodies and authorities who want to be part of a community that promotes Evidence Based Policy.

Inspired by the model established in 1999 in the UK by the Prime Minister Tony Blair, with the aim of implemented a vision of “enlightened” and institute progressive policies are the motivating inspiration of the Foundation, as we believe conclusively that the use of the systematic evidence and hard data processes lead to socio-economic development of the countries and reducing poverty rates

England, USA, Spain, Tanzania are governments that have used the approach of Evidence-Based Policy, taking results in economic advance and positive impact on the citizens live.

There is no doubt that political processes are complex and that there are different components that affect. It is for this reason that promote Evidence Based Policy and consider the challenge of creating instances of methodological discussion and evaluation of results make the mission of Fundacion Politopedia.

All are welcome to cooperate forming alliances, provide financial support and promoting our information.